It has been such an eventful start of 2012 for our artist Dobrila Pintar and that is only the beginning! Dobrila traveled to Japan in early March and learned a lot about the Japanese way of glass-bead making, which is quite unique and different from the well-known European techniques. In Japan they make glass beads using crystal glass rods and burners with
air pump.Crystal glass has low melting point and delicate color. A favorite Japanese glass bead called "Tonbodama" is among the most commonly made. Also flower glass beads with blossoms inside are quite popular.
The next big event in Dobrila's busy calendar schedule is on Sunday, May 6th, 2012 at the Slovenian Embassy in Washington, D.C.! Her jewelry art work will be a part of an European Union anniversary exhibition. During the diplomats' convention Dobrila's pieces will be featured together with few other chosen artists' work. We are so proud of you, Dobrila!
And if that was not enough work, Dobrila continues with teaching glass-blowing classes at her studio at the Bridgeport Art Center. Every third Friday of the month one can also enjoy the center's Open Studio events where artists and art lovers get together for a great learning experience and some really fun times.
Dobrila's newest earrings collection pictures: