Apr 29, 2012

Keep up with Dobrila - back from Japan and about to exhibit in Washington,D.C.!

It has been such an eventful start of 2012 for our artist Dobrila Pintar and that is only the beginning! Dobrila traveled to Japan in early March and learned a lot about the Japanese way of glass-bead making, which is quite unique and different from the well-known European techniques. In Japan they make glass beads using crystal glass rods and burners with air pump.Crystal glass has low melting point and delicate color. A favorite Japanese glass bead called "Tonbodama" is among the most commonly made. Also flower glass beads with blossoms inside are quite popular.

The next big event in Dobrila's busy calendar schedule is on Sunday,  May 6th, 2012 at the Slovenian Embassy in Washington, D.C.! Her jewelry art work will be a part of an European Union anniversary exhibition. During the diplomats' convention Dobrila's pieces will be featured together with few other chosen artists' work. We are so proud of you, Dobrila!

And if that was not enough work, Dobrila continues with teaching glass-blowing classes at her studio at the Bridgeport Art Center. Every third Friday of the month one can also enjoy the center's Open Studio events where artists and art lovers get together for a great learning experience and some really fun times.

Jan 17, 2012

Dobrila Studies in Murano

One of the canals of Murano
Techniques Dating Back Centuries
The Venetian Island of Murano is a port city famous for its glassmakers. Since the 10th century, Murano glass has enjoyed a worldwide reputation. Murano’s reputation for producing extraordinary glasswork holds strong today. The artisans of Murano still employ techniques from centuries ago. If you’re interested in working in glass, Murano is your city. Few people get the chance to visit Murano, and not many get to study there.

Learning From Masters
In November Eleven Eleven Jewelry’s Dobrila Pintar got a chance to not only visit Murano, but to train with some master glassmakers. If you’re a follower of Dobrila’s on Facebook and Twitter, you know about her glass beadwork, her custom jewlery, and one-of-a-kind glass creations. Like all artists, Dobrila is constantly refining her craft through practice and additional training. In Murano, she got to learn from some glassmaking masters. Dobrila learned more about glassblowing beads and glass sculpture. She also got to work and learn alongside masters, including beadmaker and author Corina Tettinger (Passing the Flame: A Beadmaker’s Guide to Detail and Design).

Corina, Corina!
Tettinger, who hails from Washington State, is a world-renowned beadmaker who teachers classes all over the United States and Europe. One look at Corina’s schedule posted to her website makes one tired just looking at it. In 2012, she’ll be in France, the Netherlands, and Denmark! Stateside, she’ll be in Texas, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

One-of-a-Kind Jewelry
Dobrila, a talented artist in her own right and a talented artisan, has acquired new skills to help her create even more unique beads, jewelry, and glass art objects. Be sure to visit Dobrila’s website to see her latest creations in glass.

Jan 16, 2012

Artists Of Eastbank 3rd Fridays Open Studio

Artists Of Eastbank 3rd Fridays Open Studio

Hey there, Friends & Jewelry Lovers!
Happy New Year to all! It is the Year of the Dragon, according to the Chinese calendar, which is believed to bring good luck! Something to look forward to!
Dobrila started 2012 fresh with an all-updated website: www.1111jewelry.com ! Check it out and let us know what you think.
Also, hopefully everyone is coping with the world-famous Chicago winter! And if you need a reason to get ouf the house, what better than socializing in an artsy environment! We wanted to share with you some great news - 3rd Fridays Open Studio is a recurring event now! Dobrila Pintar will participate, as well as many other artists! At the Bridgeport Art center you will have the opportunity to  meet a diverse group of artists who shape our culture. Having exhibited widely and gained acclaim as individuals, these artists invite you into their studios where their inspiration begins. The first event is this coming Friday, January 20th, 2012 and it starts at 5 pm until 10 pm. Come and enjoy some amazing pieces of art, have a glass of wine and some snacks on the house! And if you can't make it this week, make sure you mark your calendar for February, 17th, 2012! Can't wait to see you there!

When & Where:

Bridgeport Art Center
1200 W 35th St at Racine
Chicago IL
 (free parking and entrance on the north side of the building)

  For more information on the event, here is its Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Artists-of-EastBank/111333782254568#!/events/308244482550586/

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